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Jonathan (JC) Chambers has produced or managed more than 900 projects in the film, television, and advertising/commercial arenas throughout his career. His projects have brought him to Florida, California, other U.S. States, as well as Mexico City, Vancouver, and San Juan. As a member of the Directors Guild of America Award (DGA) Jonathan’s feature credits include Crawl, Not Alone, Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks, Walking Across Egypt and Never Say Die.

Hear as JC, a DGA member, talks about the importance of a UPM and 1st AD, roles that at times can be undervalued. He gives us examples about a Hyundai commercial he was the 1st AD on along with the time he directed Steven Speilburg! JC has spent part of his career in LA while also traveling around the southeast US working on both film and commercial work.